Thursday, January 12, 2006

Produce Availability January 15, 2006

N.B. This availability list is subject to change.

Ayers Creek Farm, Gaston:
Dry Beans: Black Turtle, Black Basque, Soldier, Purgatorio, China Yellow, Zolfino.
Greens: kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radish greens, rape, cabbage and field salad (Castelfranco, Bianca a Bergamo, Pan di Zucchero, Catalogna), endive, buckhorn, fenugreek, chickweed, parsley, rocket, dandelion, mint, field cress, wild fennel, corn salad, kale, endive, mizuna, smallage and chervil.)
Herbs: chervil
Root Vegetables: Hamburg Parsley, Scarlet Nantes Carrots, Parsnips, Potatoes.
Winter Squash: Pandana, Marina di Chioggia, Musquée de Provence, Galeuse d'Eysines. All sold by the chunk.
Other: Cornmeal and Grits (Bloody Butcher, White Cap Flint, Blue Clarage), Stock Bag (A bag containing parsnip, hamburg parsley, carrot, fennel root, smallage, a dry pepper and a bay leaf, ready to pour into the stock pot), Florence fennel, leeks, garlic, shallots, Dried peppers ( Peperoncini, Aci Sivri)

Deep Roots Farm, Albany:
Bulb/Root Veggies: Beets, Elephant Garlic, Garlic, Red & White Potatoes, Turnips Radishes.
Herbs: Parsley.
Leafy Greens: Chard, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, Kale, Arugula.

Gathering Together Farm, Philomath:
Bulb/Root Veggies: Beets, Potatoes, Sweet Onions,Carrots.
Leafy Greens: Arugula, Cabbage (red and green), Chard, Collard Greens, Kale, Lettuce .
Other: winter squash.

Gee Creek Farm, Ridgefield WA:
Bulb/Root Veggies: Beets (Red & White), Carrots, Potatoes (red, white, purple).
Leafy Greens: Kale.

Salmon Creek Farm, Battle Ground, WA:

Springwater Farm, St. Helens:
Mushrooms (Cultivated): Maitake, Shiitake.
Mushrooms (Wild): Chanterelles , Matsutake, Porcini.